Split / Cut MP3

Free, No Registration, No Upload, No Ads

Select an MP3 file from your computer

What does this tool do?

This tool allows you to cut a specific segment from an MP3 file. You can select the start and end times to extract a desired portion of the audio, or specify a duration for the segment.

Is my file uploaded to a server?

No, your file is not uploaded to any server. The entire process is performed locally in your browser, ensuring your file remains private and secure.

How does it work?

You upload your MP3 file, enter the start time and either the end time or the duration of the segment you want to cut, and click the "Cut MP3" button. The tool uses FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia processing library, to extract the specified segment from the audio file. Once the process is complete, you can preview the resulting MP3 segment and download it directly from your browser.